Project Description


Client Profile– Large Tech Company

  • Engagement — NetApp solutions in highly decentralized global technology and services opportunity
  • Situation – Client required NetApp solutions in 4 different global geos; serviced by 4 different VAR’s. Client discounts and contract terms varied per region. Client had no NetApp executive relations to influence.  Client “need by” deadline was imminent.  Client negotiated with local country Sales Reps.  Client prepared to purchase in 3 global geos two hours prior to InFor500 requesting Client to hold off on executing PO’s. NetApp team heavily exploited Maintenance expiration date pressure.  Domestic local opportunity was smallest component, at $30K.  Total imminent global deal spend was $2.0M based on existing competitive Client discount rates.
  • Our Activities Included
    • Escalated & met NetApp EVP Sales within 3 days due to existing prior working relationship
    • Leveraged NetApp’s Q4 deadline for discount level pressure. Threatened to delay deal closure.
    • Understood NetApp’s internal booking date deadlines for Channel deals
    • Consolidated all 4 global geos into one single centralized P/L opportunity
    • Benchmarked industry comparisons via Gartner data and other data services
  • Challenge – Influence Client to stop cutting PO’s in 4 global geos only minutes prior to their execution. Requested 3 days reprieve to address the opportunity. Some existing Maintenance was expiring.  Client’s existing discount level is market correct, so Client was already happy at the historic rate. Client needed NetApp solutions to avert further infrastructure failures.  IT received large pressure to act fast to resolve.
  • Results – Leveraged NetApp EVP Sales relationship. $0.5M cost savings delivered on proposed $2.0M spend. 25% reduction returned from baseline. Increased discount level 25 more points over Client’s existing contractual discount levels. Negotiated out all global Y2 & Y3 Maintenance fees previously included.  Negotiated, signed, closed complex globally-distributed purchase on time.  Exceedingly happy Client.